language, state language policy, the European integration, decolonization, identity, language influenceAbstract
The following research is devoted to the study of the problems of the state language policy formation in Ukraine in the context of the European integration processes. The author examines the relationship between the language policy and the country’s efforts to integrate itself into the European space, taking into account the influence of the imperial past. The optics of the article is aimed at revealing the above mentioned problems and provides an analytical overview of the key aspects of the correlation of the tasks of decolonization of Ukraine in the conditions of geopolitical shifts and the strengthening of the European identity. The study deeply analyzes the state of the national language policy of Ukraine and the influence of the European standards on this process. The author considers an important aspect of linguistic decolonization as a driving element of national revival, particularly in the context of separation from the Russian linguistic and cultural influence. Special attention is paid to the challenges arising in the country’s efforts during adaptation to the standards of the European Union, in particular in the context of the protection of the rights of national minorities. To some extent, the article highlights the role of the language policy in the context of interaction with other aspects of social and political life, in particular education, mass communication. A separate review concerns public feedback and its language priorities as a part of the national self-determination. In general, the scientific research expands understanding and offers a multifaceted view of the problems of the state language policy formation in Ukraine in the context of contemporary social transformations, the European integration and restoration of national identity in the conditions of decolonization. But the article does not cover the entire area of the issue mentioned, but only illustrates the author’s vision, in particular, the author does not take into account the interaction of the language policy with the economic development, market competitiveness and investment attraction. These issues still require further research in other works.
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