


public authority, reconstruction, de-occupation, peacekeeping forces, war, local self-government


The article highlights the results of a study on the identification of the main challenges to the restoration of power in the territories of Ukraine freed from military operations. The study was based on the study of the experience of transferring mobilization management to a peaceful channel. The experience of post-conflict management in South Korea, Iran, Croatia and Iraq came in handy. The research was conducted using mainly empirical methods: observation, measurement, document analysis. Analytical reports on the revitalization of territories destroyed by the war were included in the set of documents, based on the study of the content of which the processes of restoration of power in post-conflict societies were studied. The result of the scientific analysis was the identification of the main problems of the restoration of power in the temporarily occupied territories in the process of their socio-economic integration, namely: a) the need to introduce a special management regime in the de-occupied territories, which is not provided for by the Law of Ukraine «On the Legal Regime of Martial Law»; b) the need to manage the deoccupied territories with the involvement of international organizations, and therefore the legislative provision of the relevant activity; c) the need to simplify the procedure for legalization of acts of registration of civil status drawn up in the temporarily occupied territories. An important task of the authorities from the point of view of ensuring social stability and justice is the prevention of conflicts in the de-occupied territories, since a long period of war leads to the militarization of society and the fragmentation of the state, as well as the risk of a return to conflict. The main challenges facing the state in the context of restoration of power in the de-occupied territories should also include: restoration of local self-government and holding of elections; security issues; reconstruction of infrastructure; preserving the life of the population and developing human potential; ensuring entrepreneurial freedom to use the capabilities of international organizations to ensure peace in the liberated territories. The revitalization of the liberated territories will require the application of a differentiated approach to the policy of territorial allocation of productive forces and the establishment of priorities for the restoration of economic sectors, which will also affect the institutional structure of power.


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How to Cite

Halych, O., & Romanov, D. (2024). CHALLENGES OF RESTORATION OF POWER IN THE DE-OCCUPIED TERRITORIES OF UKRAINE. Bulletin of Poltava State Agrarian University. Public Management and Administration, (1), 22–28.